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Tips for Determining Whether or Not Your Louis Vuitton Handbag is Fake

Tips for Determining Whether or Not Your Louis Vuitton Handbag is Fake

Global economy is of late bemoaning the crippling effects of counterfeiting. Any designer brand that captures public attention is susceptible to counterfeiting - LV is no exception. The story today is you may be deliberately conned into buying replica Vuitton handbags. You are flooded with misinformation both online and offline. Don't be hoodwinked by outrageous deals. Online, buy only from the homepage of LV. You won't fall into the trap of being saddled with replica LV handbag if you take the time to find out about the LV authorized outlets in your area. So, instead of just LV use the phrase 'Louis Vuitton homepage'. This is the only way you can be sure you won't be toting replica Vuitton. If you feel like a babe in the woods in auction sites, stay clear of them. Other pointers are designer labels like Louis Vuitton don't mass produce. If a website claims to have a large stock, it is a large stock of fake Louis Vuitton bags. If you can't get a zoomed view of a bag, don't bother with it. It's definitely a replica Louis Vuitton. Linings and Monograms - A Dead Give Away• Monograms - the position of the monograms is one of the things Louis Vuitton is very particular about. If the monograms in your bag are not perfectly aligned, or a part of it is cut off, the bags you are looking at are without a doubt, replica Vuitton bags. The LV is whole in all genuine Louis Vuitton products.• Lining - No patchy linings for LV. Brown cotton canvas is used in all LV linings. Counterfeiters often use pictures and design of original LV handbags in order to fool consumers. Anything else, the bags are definitely replica LV bags.
About the Author
This article is written by author who is providing information about replica louis vuitton, replica louis vuitton,fake Louis, replica louis bags etc.

