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Android Development Using HTML5 and AdAPPt Compiler

Android Development Using HTML5 and AdAPPt Compiler

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Compilers were used with early home computers, typical the ZX81, Vic 20, Commodore 64, Acorn Atom and Apple computers. Some of those who were at the forefront of writing apps in machine code and using compilers (in the early 80's when they were children or teenagers) are now at the cutting edge of Android development. Some have been using HTML since it was first introduced in 1990 and have used every version up to and including HTML5; this minority of developers are understandably amongst the best in the world. TextMarkup LanguageThis existed before Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and was used by newspaper and magazine editors. Stories were given to them and they would add markup notes, so the typesetters knew which words would be in bold or italics, ready for the printing presses. The editor would add before a word that was to be in bold and then put or after the word. A would be written at the end of a line or paragraph. Android development using HTML5 Dot Matrix and similar computer printers (connected with a cable) used the same 'markup language' and could print in bold, italics and various typefaces, provided they received the correct commands, in the form of the markup language. If a stream of characters and associated images could be sent along a cable and become a printed magazine page, then if this stream of characters could be sent over the internet as 'Hyper Text Markup Language' it would replicate a visual page of text from one computer monitor to a monitor on another computer. They could not easily communicate with each other, as there was no common protocol. What is a Protocol?If you see a person at a business meeting (whom you have never met or spoken to before), then you might ask a mutual friend to introduce you. Main components were/are HTML, HTTP and a browser, which allows the displays to look the same on different computers and monitors.

