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Are There Any Body Workouts For Men Over 50

Are There Any Body Workouts For Men Over 50

So what is the body workout that will give you these results? There isn one specific activity that will give you these results, but there is a combination of activities which will ultimately do so. To lose weight, gain fitness and firm up muscle requires 3 activities, diet, cardio exercise and strength training
As you age your metabolism slows and a slower metabolism means that the fat burning furnace isn working to full capacity.
It is now essential to eat well balanced meals and to combine that with a fat reducing workout and this means building up your muscles. Gaining muscle requires this combination of diet and exercising and if the diet is not right the exercise part is largely a wasted effort.
Proteins form an essential part of all your meals as they are needed for muscle growth which consumes calories. Fats, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals are also equally essential, so make sure that your diet is properly balanced to include all of these.
This muscle growth is what increases your metabolic rate and as you start to burn more calories than you take in, your fat levels will decrease.
Your workout routine must have a progressive overload process built into it. This means that periodically you must be lifting more weight, or doing more reps with the same weight. What happens is that the body adapts and will have no need to grow as it has already adapted to what you are doing, so increase the workload as soon as it starts to become easier.
Maintain this process until such time as you have reached your desired levels and then continue at this level, but vary the routine often to focus on other muscle groups. Always try to work your entire body, especially the legs. Your body will respond better when you work all of it.
The basic Push ups and Pull ups are really superior when it comes to building muscle in the upper body. These two exercises stimulate nearly every muscle of the upper body and quickly build strength and size. Drinking plenty of water will flush away toxins and will keep the muscles properly hydrated. A dehydrated muscle cannot grow fast.

