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many people when they think of classic books is 'boring'

  And here is where words again fail me: The highest Mystical Experiences are truly ones of Wonder. Even if you imagined and could remember all the wonder you had ever felt, in your entire life - it could not equal the Wonder felt in those times of true ecstasy... At the Beauty, the truth,Louis Vuitton Replica bags the Awareness of Self, the true Self... In those times our normal identity is taken from us, and we are shown who we truly ARE. And who we truly ARE in something we could never even imagine, even guess at... And in those times we know that we are the soul and that the Divine, God, is mystically united with the soul - like two flames, the Divine Flame and the flame of the soul, standing together, superimposed.

  A friend has sent me a new dream example for the book, unfortunately in a format I cannot open. Will phone her and ask her to cut and paste it into an e-mail. Diana arrives tomorrow and will begin formatting the text soon, so this might be the last new dream example I can accept for the book. When she resends her dream I will need to read it through and ponder it - and then write some thoughts and decide where to put it in the book. This very well might be the lastReplica Louis Vuitton bags book I write, and I intend to enjoy it, even the tedious corrections and proofing stages....Diana arrived in Ithaca some days ago. She is again staying at the Quaker House, a beautiful old building just up the hill from us. The Quaker House is at the top of Fall Creek Falls, at the edge of the gorge, surrounded by trees now changing color. Diana said that you can hear the falls from their back porch - and a few days ago she met four deer in the front yard as she was leaving to do an errand.

  The house is a monastic sort of dwelling, with heavy, dark, wood everywhere and stained glass in many windows. Diana has a small room on an upper floor, which she has festooned with cloths of various colors and textures. The room, besides a bed and dresser, also provides a wooden desk, Fake Louis Vuittonwhich of course delights her.We can also hear the falls from our house, at night, and especially after a rain. Which reminds me how very magical Ithaca is....At the moment Diana is seated downstairs at our kitchen table, with her laptop, starting work on formatting the text of We Meet in Dreams. Presently she is trying to figure out how to set up endnotes. We had decided to switch from footnotes to endnotes after finishing the last book, Visits With Angels. I cannot help her with the technical aspects of her work, so instead will turn to my own chores regarding this new volume.

  The first thing that comes to the mind of many people when they think of classic books is 'boring'. In terms of books, classics are often described as those 'books that every person is forced to read at school'. Most of us prefer to read comic books and other novels Louis Vuitton Replicathat are easy to read and understand. However, many of us do not understand the fact that classic books are termed as timeless not only because the authors have followed certain structural guidelines or the book depicts the time in which it was written, but also because these books that were written several centuries ago, continue to allure the readers even in the modern world. Though there are over 100 books everyone should read, here are a few classic books that are an all time favorite among many book lovers.

