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Louis Vuitton fashion collections

With the warmer weather coming and the earth waking up, more and more colors appear in this season, bringing back the energy of life. So it's time to choose a colorful new stylish handbag for this forthcoming spring.

Best Replica Louis Vuitton, perhaps the most popular American handbag designer which is famous for its luxurious and fabulous handbags, reveals an amazing show by presenting Louis Vuitton spring / summer 2011 handbags collection this year. As usual, this collection highlights the brand's luxurious and elegant as well as classic style, and meanwhile it mixes with the wild feeling of Bohemian style.

its unlimited styles and colors, this collection offers a wide range from the professional look bag to be an office accessory to the shoulder bag for street shopping on a casual Sunday. The Straw Applique Tote bag with its big size can be a perfect choice for a nice picnic in the floral and green country side in a shiny spring afternoon with friends and families; while Sequin Mini Field bag with its modern style and delicate size is suitable for casual dress; and Studded Fringe Suede wristlets with its classic and elegant style look more feminine. Especially the latest Bella Tote  which happens to be my favorite, with its classic feminine style and floral graphic design with coach watermark prints, will definitely have your eyes laid on and make you feel like princess when you are holding it.

From the new top replica Louis Vuitton handbags collection we can see that besides the style of beauty and innovation, it also offers bags with maximum functions which suit different people's needs. With different occasions and preferences, there are always Louis Vuiton bags with round or square shapes, more classic or more modern styles?- But what in common is their extraordinary leather - based material as well as the beauty of art work.

So choose one of your favorite from these colorful fabulous pieces, it will flood you with its vivid and playful allure, and makes you feel like being in the fairy tale world.

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